The Top 5 Reasons Universities Love Lucid Travel | From Our CEO

The Top 5 Reasons Universities Love Lucid Travel | From Our CEO

  • Posted: Oct 19, 2018

I wanted to spend this morning putting together a list of what our partners like most about Lucid from the feedback we've received. 
I'd also like to thank our nearly 100 university partners for trusting us to help improve your travel program and save teams money. We are dedicated to making sure you are successful and are happy to say that we have had NO university partners discontinue their relationship with us after agreeing to utilize Lucid. We attest this accomplishment to our commitment to customer service and transparency.
Here is what our partners like most about Lucid Travel:
1. Your Customized University Booking Link (This is the custom URL that your teams use to book travel)
This is, by far, what our partner like best about Lucid Travel. We set up your university booking link to fit your process exactly. Whether you only book direct rates because you're tax exempt or you want to only show 3rd party rates because you don't want to send CC Authorization forms, Lucid can accommodate your policy and help assure it's followed by the travelers. Also, it gives administrators a centralized place to drive travelers to and give you automated receipts.
2. Super Simple Onboarding/Training For Teams
One of the primary concerns we've heard from new partners is - "I'm not sure how to train teams on how to use this so we will wait until our next in-person meeting to launch." We've taken this feedback and made the onboarding process so simple that it doesn't even require any training at all.
Your university booking link (Here's an example) includes everything that teams need to know and they don't even need to create an account to use it. We load in all of your teams/organizations into your booking link so that they simply choose which team they are on when booking so that the cash back can be correctly applied. We also can automatically add a university admin's name and email as the approver so that teams can send booking requests directly to you for payment.
All that you need to do as the club sports administrator is send your university booking link to teams and include it in your club sports documentation.
3. Helping Teams Find The Lowest Rates
When we created Lucid Travel we knew that people like to browse all the available rates (whether it's directly with a hotel or on a travel website like Expedia) so that they find the absolute lowest price. That's why we simply consolidate all the available rates in the marketplace and help you compare them to find the best fit for your needs.
4. Earning Cash Back (Great Fundraiser!)
This is what teams care the most about. They first want to find the lowest possible price - after that, the cash back is very attractive because they know that they're are paying the least possible amount AND earning money on top of it.
Teams have also started to send their individual team pages to their family and fans as a way to earn extra money. 
5. Centralized Organization of Receipts
We set up your university booking link to automatically send administrators receipts (even if you didn't do the booking). We also give you an administrator login to view booking data and receipts in one place. This makes the reconciliation process with finance much simpler.
We will stay dedicated to building the very best travel platform for teams and university administrators.
Ben KnosbyCEO

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