Tournament Directors

Automated Revenue From Hotels

Design your custom travel link, define how much you earn per room night, and get access to automated discounts & group blocks.

See why 1000+ events choose Lucid

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The Lucid Difference

Define how much you earn per room night on any booking made. Offer automated deals at any hotel instantly or set up discounted room blocks with our experienced Travel Agents.

  • Define how much you earn per room night ($5 - $15)
  • Commissions paid out automatically, every month
  • Automated emails/texts to tournament participants
  • Stay-to-Play made easy - Simple reporting & reminders


Lucid integrates with leading companies to connect your registration process with Lucid so that teams get hotel reminders automatically.

  • GotSoccer
  • LeagueApps
  • DanceComp Genie
  • Exposure Events
  • NBC Sports Next
  • Tourney Machine
  • AES
  • Sport 80
Step 1

Design Your Travel Page

Create a page with your branding and events.

See an example

Add Your Logo

Add your logo and branding. Choose from 100+ settings to ensure your link is set up to fit your unique needs.

Add Events

Add events to your page and define settings for each.


Define Your Rebate

You define how much you earn per room night sold. Our suggested range is $5 to $15 per room night.

Earn Money Monthly

We send you money monthly so that you never have to deal with collecting checks from hotels again.

Step 2

Add Your Events

You can choose if you want to show the Instantly Available Discounts or if you want to set up Room Blocks.

Option 1

Instantly Available Rates

Lucid aggregates rates from 3 main sources:

  • Top travel sites (like, Expedia,, etc.)
  • Hotel direct through the GDS (Global Distribution System)
  • Wholesale rates not available to the public (20%+ discounted)
Great for small events and when your room blocks run out
Option 2

Easy Room Blocks

Get your room blocks set up with 1 click.

Lucid's Process:

  • Submit your room block request. Here's The Form
  • Lucid's event team will text you within 24 hours to get started.
  • Lucid will negotiate great rates, reward points, free rooms, & more.
  • Lucid will load the room blocks into your Travel Page.
  • You'll get emails/texts with the link so that everyone can book.

Step 3

Share Your Link

You get a custom Events Page that shows all of the events in one place. Easily share that link on your website, over email, and on social media.

See an example
Automated Email Marketing

Upload Event Contacts

You can upload your event contact's emails so that they get automatic reminders to book.

  • Automatic reminders are sent based on check-in date (60, 30, 14, 7 days out)
  • Integrate your contacts seemlessly with LeagueApps, ExposureEvents, Sport:80, SportsEngine, AES, TourneyMachine, GotSoccer, & more.
Case Study

Showtime Sports

Showtime Sports hosts 4 major events in Bullhead City, Arizona. Lucid helped them increase team registrations 200% in one year. They now host 150+ teams per event and have lower registration fees than any of their competitors.

How Much Do They Earn?

$15 per Room

Showtime was able to cut their registration fees in half while still making more total revenue. This allowed them to increase registrations by 200%!

How do they manage Stay-to-Play?

100% Automated Reporting

Lucid produces reports that show the number of reservations per team every Thursday so that you always know who has booked & who hasn't.

What does their Events page look like?

View Events Page

Show all your events in one place, offer deals at all hotels instantly, & highlight host hotels.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sign up with Lucid
  • Define how much you earn per room night & hotel preferences
  • Add events & request room blocks when needed
  • Add in event contacts (upload csv or via integration with registration) to get booking reminders
  • Receive automated event reporting, reminders, and payments (beginning of every month)

NOTE: You do not have to set up room blocks, you can use Lucid's instant inventory. This allows teams to book at any hotel and you still earn your rebate.

Tournament Sign Up

Yes, you get a free admin account that allows you to see all of your reservations in one place. We can add custom questions to your check-out page like 'Team Name' or 'Event Name' so that you easily organize who has booked and who hasn't/

Every month, you get a report showing all of the reservations that have been made using your Custom Link. You also receive a confirmed report that shows which reservations are ready to be paid to you. Our preferred method of payment is via online check using but we can also use PayPal or Venmo.

No, Lucid is 100% free to use. We typically ask our partners to sign an exclusivity contract to ensure that our partners are as committed to us as we are to them.

How Lucid Sends Payments Fast

Unlike most travel agencies, Lucid collects your money at the time a booking is made. This allows Lucid to send your payment instantly rather than waiting for the hotels (which typically takes 30 to 90 days).

Lucid powers over 1000 tournaments every year.

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